ML5 Medical

ML5 Medical


We have not one but TWO MCA Approved Doctors able to see you for your ENG1 or ML5 medical. This means we can see you for your medical quickly and when you need it. Get in touch if we can help.

To work at sea, you will need either an ENG1 or an ML5 medical. ML5 medical tends to be for smaller boats with less passengers working closer to shore. If you are not sure which would be best for you, we can help and can do either. Once you are over 65 years, the maximum an ML5 medical can last is one year, so an ENG1 might be better. If ‘yes’ is ticked on your ML5 form, it will need to be sent away for an ML5 Assessor to consider further.

Further information about ML5 medicals can be found here

Before your ML5 medical please look at the list below for what is needed:

  • Photo ID – passport, driving licence, discharge book or National Citizen ID card.

  • If you wear contact lenses, please wear your glasses on the day.

  • Avoid loud noise for 16 hours before your medical in case you need a hearing test.

  • Clothes you are comfortable wearing to do a step test as this is sometimes needed as part of medical.

  • You will be asked to provide a urine sample as part of the medical. This is not a drugs test.


  • Photo ID – passport, driving licence or discharge book.

    Previous ENG1 certificate.

    If you wear contact lenses, please wear your glasses on the day.

    Avoid loud noise for 16 hours before your medical, as this may affect your hearing test.

    Please bring any information about medication, medical problems or hospital admissions since your last medical.

    Clothes you are comfortable wearing to do a step test as this is sometimes needed as part of medical.

    A dental certificate may be required. It is advisable to see your dentist at least annually.

  • ENG1 medicals can last up to 2 years, regardless of age. Occasionally a shorter medical may be issued for medical reasons.

    ML5 medicals can last a maximum of 5 years, up until age 65 years when the maximum is one year at a time. If an issue is identified during an ML5 medical, it will need to be sent onto the Maritime and Coastguard Agency for further review.

  • You will be asked to complete a questionnaire and provide a urine sample before seeing the nurse who will do your height, weight, blood pressure, hearing and vision tests. You will then see the doctor for a physical examination. Sometimes other tests are needed such as a step test, an ECG or spirometry (breathing test).

  • Best check with your employer what they require. Further information can be found at

Easily make a booking 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Simply choose your prefered date and time and pay the fee. We will remind you of your appointment nearer the time.